Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Papa Legba

Legba is the Lwa that we salute first in Vodou trough «Gran Chimen» (The big road), and he is served and addressed to open the roads to the mysteries. He is called Vye Legba (Old Legba), Atibon Legba (Good root Legba), Legba ti Yan Yan, Legba Zaou, Legba nan Petro (The hot aspect of Legba) along with other names.

Without this old spirits permission  you simply won`t have access to the higher spirit world (The Lwa) Papa Legba not a complicated Lwa to work with; he is very humble and as long as you serve him right and with a devoted heart, you will gain his attention. In our house, he is served with the color Yellow and Purple, and synchronized with the catholic image of St. Lazarus -A old beggar on crutches) We serve him on Thursdays in his Rada (that means cool) aspect, and Tuesdays in his Petro (hot) aspect. Atibon Legbas Nr is 3.

His place is usually placed by the entrance indoors of the main door of your house, of course not everyone can do that. You can also place him by the door entrance inside your shrine room. By his space you can put crutches or a walking stick, a yellow or purple candle, a cup or of water, cleren (or vodka for his more hot aspect), a pipe (there are traditional Haitian pipes for the spirits- but a corn pipe alternatively be used), a Djakout (Traditional Haitian Straw bag, if you can get it). As Vodouisant (people who serve the spirits by Haitian Vodou) we serve him before any spirit with a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Legbas offerings are usually put in his Djakout and hung from a tree outside)

For more specific request for the spirit, Legba doesn`t require offerings or animal sacrifice like the other Lwa. He is pleased with simple offerings as salted fish, plantain, sweet potatoes, sugarcane syrup, a cigar and a white plate mixed with grounded coffee and sugar.

Except opening the doors to the mysteries, he also has the power to remove blockages in your path, clear your way, help with communication issues as well as other matter in your life as direct you on your way and guide you on your path.


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