Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Slave to the spirits?

I got an email from an old friend of mine and to get directly into the subject it basically was about "Freedom of self, and service of external forces" Like for example in my stand as a Priest of Haitian Vodou I serve the Lwa" My friend (who I will keep anonymous) brought up a lot of interesting points of view from his perspective.. Basically.. he was talking about "Trickster Spirits" and being fooled by Entities (spirits).. He also pointed out "not to be a Slave to these spirits" and to remember it`s my life (Not to let myself be controlled or rather "overtaken" by these old spirits; that we in Haitian Vodou refer to as Lwa). Take a moment to reflect.. what do you think? Do you think you are controlled by the spirits, ... do you really know what you really are connected to?

Think about it..
See I don`t take offence by peoples comments or personal opinions, because we need to reflect, and sometimes we can become to "indoctrinated" and blindly follow, without connecting or reflecting (that is a dangerous path) This exactly why you have to understand and know what you are resonating with. So how do you know?
In Haitan Vodou, we have ceremonies to know our court (meaning the spirits that resonate with -you-). But even without that, if you have a sense, you can feel when something is not right or wrong. I`m taking about using your sensing, resonating. We have spirits all the time around us, the forest has a spirit, the sea has a spirit, the earth has a spirit, the river has a spirit the fire has a spirit, death has a spirit and that is what we are connected to and trying to work with. It`s where we from, it`s a natural part of us.. We`re not aliens, some people search in the sky, on other planets, other dimensions (no disrespect, I respect any belief) but maybe we should try to focus more on where we are and what we have here.
Now to the third subject, does the spirits control out lives? Is not as complicated as it seems. Again, we are not worshiping, we are serving, meaning acknowledging and wanting to connect to what is around us. Are there spirits that can control our lives, of course. We do have bad spirits as well as good; but use your senses and reflect your life, what is happening in your life -right now- reflect..
You can`t be dirty and try to be clean.. in one way or another.. if you really use your sense of perception, you will find the stench.. its still will be there, visual for those who can see.
Sense, feel, smell, hear and understand.


  1. When I sense that something is around me, or comes around me I simply open open up and breathe them into me.
    Might be risky.

  2. I can't open the video? Great article BTW
